Monday, April 10, 2006

Star in jail

Great news, gentle reader. Salman Khan has been awarded 5 years rigorous imprisonment for hunting down a Chinkara, an endangered deer species. He is apparently in some jail in Jodhpur right now, that too in a regular convict cell. Why am I so happy? Besides the fact that justice has been meted out to this imbecilic retard who killed a rare and beautiful animal for cheap thrills, we shall now be spared the corny acting and rotten movies that Salman has subjected us to over the years.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


don't you find it curious that he got 5 years in jail for shooting a deer of an endangered species, but that he got like 17 days in jail for running over and killing some innocent man...

i guess, humans aren't an endangered species... and india has no concern for human life...

2:56 PM

Blogger Rish said...

are u sure he killed that man? and that he was found guilty in court? also, could it be the case that the pedestrian was at fault so the court was easy on him?

12:37 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i agree with misanthrope this time... why should a driver always be blamed for an accident. the chances are infact higher that the pedistrian was crossing the street when it wasnt his turn!!

11:09 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


the last comment must be from an indian... SALMAN WAS DRUNK!

and let me point out... the pedestrian didn't get his toe stubbed... he DIED!!!

4:30 PM

Blogger Rish said...

Then I guess the drunk retard deserved serious jail time.

But goo, how do u know the pedestrian didn't die AND get his toe stubbed, eh?

9:26 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


o typo then... i remember thinking, "the pedestrian didn't just get his toe stubbed." if you don't believe me, then think of the rhetorical superiority of the emandation... and remember that i am a great orator...

9:47 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

did you mean emendation? Ah, I guess that would fall within the "rhetorical superiority of emandation"?

3:46 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


yes i did mean that... emendation... spell check just ain't what it used to be... (i hope one wouldn't question my oratory skillz on account of some misszzssspellllleeeeeengz...)

oh and by the way: bail after sentencing? what a lovely country...

10:59 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

was he sentenced??

8:05 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


apparently he was sentenced to 5 years... and then he gets bail...

12:17 AM


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